ECVPH ONLINE AGM & Annual Scientific Conference 2021

Min/Max. number of participants: 

Conference open - AGM restricted to ECVPH Diplomates and Residents


Wednesday, September 22, 2021 to Friday, September 24, 2021


The ECVPH Annual Scientific Conference and Annual General Meeting 2021 was again conducted ONLINE focusing on the main theme "Transforming food systems: A new era for VPH!" - a draft Programme was published here in June and completed with Diplomates Workshops contributions and selected poster presentations.

With support of InSession Events we are happy that our second larger virtual event has been another great success - to help us in learning about your opinion, we are looking forward to receiving your FEEDBACK by filling the form linked herewith! THANK YOU!


Information to the POSTER SESSION!

In order to provide an ideal flow of presentation in the poster session (Session 3) the Conference Secretariat is proposing that the submitted and accepted posters, may be pre-recorded with a duration up to 5 min (except selected poster presentations that are included in Session 8 pas oral presentations). Like that the moderator/chair will have the videos and then 30-40 minutes for real time discussion with attendees.

Poster contributors may find below for download the proposed poster requirements/poster preparation and pre-recording guidelines with further important details!

The proposed deadline for submission is the 19th September 2021.

Registration & Conference Fees

The registration through this website has been CLOSED !

REGISTRATION for both the online Conference and the AGM has been opened on Tuesday 13th of July and was closed on Sunday 19th of September (midnight) 2021! Upon successfully completed registration participants should have received an automatized confirmation to the indicated email address - if this may not have been the case please do not hesitate to get back to us.


Late participants who still wish to register please contact the technical Event coordinators InSession Events at by indicating wheter you are an ECVPH Diplomate or Resident or a non-member and if you would like to register for both the Annual Conference and the AGM or for the Annual Conference or the AGM only. (Please also copy this message to!)

InSession Events will process your registration to the platform and send you the according access code/s. 

Non members will in addition be required to pay the according registration fee (€ 50,--) via !


More information and details to login and access to the online events are being provided above together with access codes which will be sent to registered participants prior to the Conference and AGM!