Constitution & bylaws


This is the adapted new Constitution of the ECVPH as approved on the AGM of 27/09/16 in Uppsala Sweden. A minor further clarification was made to article 16 sub 3 at 10/01/17 as a consequence of the approval of the consitution in the Netherlands to establish an assosiation according to the Dutch legislation. Last revision was made according to changes approved at the AGM held in Perugia on 18th of October 2018.

This is the Dutch version of the constitution as it was laid down in the Netherlands for the constitution for the assossiation according to the dutch law 


This is the bylaw describing the appeals procedure approved 26/09/16

Last revision: as approved at CM63, 1st. July 2019

This is the bylaw on the Examination Committee and its tasks approved 06 10 2015.

Last revision: as approved at CM59, 2nd July 2018

This is the bylaw on use of the ECVPH website and electronic communication within the ECVPH - updated at CM73 on 4. July 2022

This is the bylaw on reimbursement updated and re-approved 23 September, 2020 describing the rules on reimbursement of expenses related to the attendance at the AGM of the ECVPH.

This bylaw describes the measures for quality assurance in the ECVPH

In this bylaw the procedures for resident (re-)funding for annual meetings and workshops are described

This is the bylaw describing the conduct of the Qualifying Examination approved 26/09/16

Last revision: as approved at CM84, 27. January 2025


This is the bylaw on Associate, Non-certified, Retired and Honorary Members as approved on 10 02 2017

Revised and approved at CM 59, 2nd July 2018

This bylaw describes the fees and dues for membership and actions.

Last revision: as approved at CM58, 29. January 2018

This is the bylaw describing the duties and procedures of the credentials committee as approved on the council meeting of 03/07/17.

In addition this Bylaw is also addressing the procedures on the Re-evaluation of Diplomates. As fully covering the contents of the former "Bylaw on the Re-evaluation of Diplomates"* it has thus further been renamed on 9th of March 2017 according to a Council decision and is subsequently replacing the former Bylaw*.

Last revision: as approved at CM 78, 20. September 2023

This is the bylaw describing the role of the resident liason officer in the Council as it was approved at the Council Meeting of 02/06/16

This is the bylaw describing all aspects of the residency training period as well as the requirements for residency training programs.

Updated at CM78 on 20. September 2023 - Formally reviewed and re-uploaded Jan. 2025

This is the bylaw on the appointment, requirements and tasks of auditors in the ECVPH.


These SOPs describe the procedures for re-certification of ECVPH Diplomates

In these SOPs the procedures used by the Council to set members "non-certified" or "deleting" members are described

This SOP describes the procedure of awarding diplomas after passing the final exam.