EARLY bird (until 15. Sept. 2019!): Diplomates € 280,--/Non Diplomates € 320,--/Residents & CM € 150,--
LATE registration (after 15 Sept. - 27. September 2019): Diplomates € 320,--/Non Diplomates € 360,--/Residents & CM € 200,--
Cancellation policy: cancellation of registration will entitle to a full refund (bank costs will be deducted from the registration refund) until 20th September 2019. After 20th September no refund is possible (due to payment commitment to the conference catering service), however a registered person can still apply to the Council for refund. The Council will then decide on an individual basis. Thank you for your kind understanding!
The registration has been closed on 27. September 2019!

We were delighted to welcome you to the ECVPH Scientific Conference and AGM 2019 in Edinburgh that has again been the perfect occasion to meet colleagues from all around Europe and stay in touch with the College activities. Guests has also the possibility to enjoy the beautiful City of Edinburgh during their stay especially if extended to the weekend.
Please find below the Conference Programme in the focus of “Membership of the European Union – challenges for Veterinary Public Health", further important information regarding Edinburgh, suggestions for travel and accomodation, the Conference venue and other usefull tips as well as the Call for abstracts and posters.
Attended by 138 participants this Years´s Annual Scientific Conference and Annual General Meeting of the ECVPH which will be held in Edinburgh, 2-4. October 2019, has been organized under the tentative theme “Membership of the European Union – implications on Veterinary Public Health". The Conference aimed to feature three parallel workshops (2 hrs) on Thursday 3. October 2019 that were once more intended to provide a forum for researchers, policy makers and practitioners in Veterinary Public Health to discuss and exchange positions on current issues related to the this topic. Workshop attendants exchanged ideas and experience, established common ground in research areas or practical problems. Out of 6 proposals for Workshops received the by the Diplomates and/or Residents 3 have been selected and included in the Conference program - thanks to all for your kind co-operation!
Congratulations to all involved and many thanks to the local Organizing Committee ECVPH AGM 2019 for their efforts to the very successful outcome of ECVPH Annual Scientific Conference 2019!
Looking forward to many of you attending the Annual Scientific Conference and AGM 2020 in Athens!
All posters published hereunder have been authorized for publication by the authors!