Latest news

We are happy to announce that a DRAFT-Programme together with the Calls for submission of Workshops-proposals as well as poster abstracts for this year´s ECVPH AGM & Annual Scientific Conference is now published!

Read more HERE!

FVE, with the support of FECAVA and WVA, developed a web portal as hub to coordinate aid by European veterinarians to help Ukrainian veterinarians, their families and animals. On this website, we brought together all the information you provided us with over the last days. As this whole website was developed in less than 48 hours, it is still work in progress and it will be given hyper care over the next days/weeks.

The Soulsby* Foundation recognises the importance of linking human health with animal health as well as the underlying social, structural, economic and environmental factors that determine health and well-being outcomes around the globe.

EXAM DATES in 2022 will be the following:

1st. TERM:  application deadline >> December 1st. 2021!
WRITTEN: 20. April 2022 - ORAL: 14. or/and* 15. June 2022

2nd. TERM: application deadline >> June 1st. 2022!
WRITTEN: 5. October 2022 - ORAL: 6. or/and* 7. December 2022

*depending on number of candidates!

Further arrangements to be communicated  at a later stage!

With support of InSession Events (link is external) we are happy that our second larger virtual event has been another great success - to help us improving and learning about your opinion, we are looking forward to receiving your FEEDBACK by filling the form linked herewith! (link is external) THANK YOU!
