Latest news

EXAM DATES in 2020 !

1st. TERM: application deadline >> December 1st. 2019!
WRITTEN: 1. April 2020 - ORAL: 2. or/and* 3. June 2020

2nd. TERM: application deadline >> June 1st. 2020!
WRITTEN: 7. October 2020 - ORAL: 1. or/and* 2. December 2020

*depending on number of candidates!

Venue for ORAL part, to be reconfirmed and published at a later stage!

SEE also Residency and Training

As in the past years a CALL for proposals for ECVPH supported Residents Workshop to be held in the Year 2020 was launched in August!

Two proposals had been submitted and both will be granted support by the ECVPH, more details will be provided on ECVPH´s website soon!

Thank you all for your kind co-operation!

The deadline for submission of Abstracts for poster contributions to this years Annual Scientific Conference and AGM to be held in Edinburgh from 2-4. October 2019 has been extended to 15. of July 2019!

The ECVPH Council and the local Organisers are looking forward to receiving lots of poster contributions and seeing you in Edinburgh in October!

The Programme for this Years Annual Scientific Conference & AGM 2019 has been finalized and published together with the Call for abstracts for poster contributions.

The online Registration is currently being set up to become functional shortly, a separate notification will be sent to the ECVPH membership once active.

We look forward to seeing you in Edinburgh in October!
