Latest news

In response to the results of the Residents survey carried out between November and December 2019, the Education Committee and the Council, supported by the Residents representatives of the ECVPH have prepared guidelines and a template to help residents to submit the Residency Programme, and the annual progress report, including the Resident Activity Log Book. While residents can still submit their residency programme and annual template and follow these guidelines.

The situation as to the the COVID-19 pandemic having been carefully observed and considered over the past weeks, the ECVPH Council in agreement with the Local Organizing Committee has finally decided to RESCHEDULE the Annual Conference to the Year 2021. A "smaller" ONLINE-Conference possibly adressing "The impacts of COVID-19 on Food Systems and VPH" including

Due to the current situation as to COVID19 the ECVPH Council had to recognise the need to assure that the RESIDENT TRAINING meets the standards as outlined in the Approved Residency Programmes for each resident and thus provide appropriate support in identifying and selecting alternative online and e-Learning training opportunities.
